Helping Babies "Talk"
Before They Can Talk
By teaching your baby a few simple signs successful communication will be literally at your baby's fingertips.
The Baby Signs® Program is the world's leading sign language program for hearing babies. It's the only program:
- Created by child development experts specifically for babies
- Proven through scientific research
- Based on American Sign Language but flexible to fit the needs of all families
- With a full range of classes, training and products for parents, babies and professionals
Have You Ever Wondered What Your Baby is Thinking?

Babies have the gift of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. What if you were able to understand what your baby was thinking about and provide an enriching interaction based on that knowledge? The Baby Signs® Program allows you to do just that!
Babies can learn and use simple hand gestures, or sign language, to communicate what they need, want, or see as young as 5 months old. Imagine if your 6-month-old told you she wanted to nurse without crying, your 11-month-old told you he saw a dog across the street without grunting, or your 14-month-old told you the sidewalk was too hot for her bare feet without screaming!
This basic ability to communicate before they can talk greatly boosts their self-esteem, helps parents and caregivers appreciate their babies’ intelligence, and dramatically reduces the frustration that parents and babies experience when communication is difficult. The founders of the Baby Signs® Program, Dr. Linda Acredolo, and Dr. Susan Goodwyn, have completed intensive research that demonstrates using signs with pre-verbal babies helps them learn to talk and gives them a jump-start on their intellectual development in addition to other benefits.
Why not give your baby the gift of communication?