Unlocking Communication and Early Literacy: Baby Signs® Classes at Your Local Library

book DiaperDoodle

Parenthood is an incredible journey filled with precious moments and milestones. One of the most eagerly awaited milestones for parents is when their baby starts communicating. While verbal communication typically takes time to develop, there’s a fascinating method that can bridge the communication gap between parents and their little ones – Baby Signs®. And guess…

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Why Children’s Fears Increase in the 2nd Year

Mom and daughter afraid or sad

by Dr. Linda Acredolo, co-founder the Baby Signs® Program Although signing with babies is my passion, I also enjoy sharing other insights about development. Here’s an example from Baby Hearts, my book co-authored with Dr. Susan Goodwyn. Along with cake and ice cream, a child’s first birthday brings with it a not so nice gift – a significant…

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Keeping the Bough from Breaking: Signing and Attachment

Mom and baby smiling

By Linda Acredolo, Ph.D, co-founder of the Baby Signs® Program What do you think is the optimal age for a child to be adopted? If you’re like most people, your answer is “at birth.” It just seems like common sense to us today. Unfortunately, however, for centuries of adopted children that was not the typical…

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