Move & Groove Curriculum


Move & Groove Curriculum

Toddlers learn through movement and music. This curriculum is designed to help toddlers develop their gross motor skills, fine motor skills, cognitive skills, language skills, and social-emotional skills through fun and engaging music and movement activities.

The curriculum is also designed to help parents learn how to use music and movement to promote their child’s development. Parents will also learn how to use music to set a mood and discover how music promotes language, cognitive, social and physical development.

The Move & Groove class is a great way to help toddlers develop their physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional skills. It is also a fun and engaging way for parents and toddlers to bond and have fun together.

Ideal for ages: 18 months to 3 years.

Developmental Focus: Music and Movement


Move & Groove Curriculum

Toddlers learn through movement and music. This curriculum is designed to help toddlers develop their gross motor skills, fine motor skills, cognitive skills, language skills, and social-emotional skills through fun and engaging music and movement activities. Move & Groove Curriculum is in digital format and includes lesson plans, parent handouts and marketing flyers.

The curriculum includes a variety of activities, such as:

  • Singing: Songs help toddlers learn new vocabulary, develop their memory, and improve their listening skills.
  • Rhythmic activities: These activities help toddlers develop their sense of rhythm and coordination.
  • Creative movement: These activities allow toddlers to express themselves through movement and explore their imagination.
  • Social games: These games help toddlers learn to interact with others and develop their social skills.

The curriculum is also designed to help parents learn how to use music and movement to promote their child’s development. Parents will also learn how to use music to set a mood and discover how music promotes language, cognitive, social and physical development.

The Move & Groove class is a great way to help toddlers develop their physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional skills. It is also a fun and engaging way for parents and toddlers to bond and have fun together.


Ideal for ages: 18 months to 3 years.

Developmental Focus: Music and Movement

Order your curricula and start teaching this class today! 

Note: On the Grow® Curricula is only available to certified Baby Signs® instructors.


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