My Favorite Signs Curriculum


My Favorite Signs Curriculum

This class is designed to introduce parents to the Baby Signs® Program through an example of a play class. Fun songs, stories, and activities highlight important developmental skills. Additionally, the class provides some wonderful tips and examples of how using basic sign language with babies and toddlers helps to foster a love of books and early literacy skills. Signs have been included in the class to encourage those families who have not previously enrolled in your classes to consider signing up and to provide an additional option for those families who have completed all the classes you offer.  Signs taught include: love, hot, ball, flower, hat, and outside.

Curriculum is in digital format and includes lesson plans, parent handouts and marketing flyers.

Ideal for ages: 6 to 24 months

Developmental Focus: Signing and Communication

Order your My Favorite Signs Curriculum today and start your baby’s journey to early literacy with sign language!


My Favorite Signs Curriculum

Introduce parents and babies to sign language with our fun and engaging curriculum.

This class is designed to introduce parents to the Baby Signs® Program through an example of a play class. Fun songs, stories, and activities highlight important developmental skills. Additionally, the class provides some wonderful tips and examples of how using basic sign language with babies and toddlers helps to foster a love of books and early literacy skills. Signs have been included in the class to encourage those families who have not previously enrolled in your classes to consider signing up and to provide an additional option for those families who have completed all the classes you offer.  Signs taught include: love, hot, ball, flower, hat, and outside.

Curriculum is in digital format and includes lesson plans, parent handouts and marketing flyers.

Ideal for ages: 6 to 24 months

Developmental Focus: Signing and Communication

Order your curricula and start teaching this class today! 

Note: On the Grow® Curricula is only available to certified Baby Signs® instructors.

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