The Science Behind the Baby Signs® Program

Scientific Research

How Simple Signs Can Supercharge Language, Bonding, and Learning For over two decades, child development experts Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn studied how simple gestures—now widely known as the Baby Signs® Program—can dramatically impact infants’ early communication, emotional development, and intellectual growth. Their extensive research, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)…

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Teaching Kindness at the Table: The Manners, Mealtime, and More! Baby Signs® Class

Manners, Mealtimes, More

Good manners do more than impress people—they express gratitude, foster patience, and promote positive interactions. The Baby Signs® Manners, Mealtime, and More! class is designed to make mealtime a fun and learning-rich experience, giving children essential tools to communicate needs and learn valuable social skills. This one-time class, perfect for children ages 1½ to 5,…

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Why Children’s Fears Increase in the 2nd Year

Mom and daughter afraid or sad

Although signing with babies is my passion, I also enjoy sharing other insights about development. Here’s an example from Baby Hearts, my book co-authored with Dr. Susan Goodwyn. Along with cake and ice cream, a child’s first birthday brings with it a not so nice gift – a significant increase in the number of things that make a…

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Helping Toddlers at a “Loss for Words”: The Baby Signs® Program and Social Development

A girl in a pink dress demonstrating social emotional development.

by Linda Acredolo, Ph.D. and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D., Co-founders, the Baby Signs® Program Every parent wants his or her child to enjoy other people and to be well-liked. In Developmental Psychology, we include both these goals under the term “social development.” Although most parents are aware that innate differences in temperament contribute importantly to individual…

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Celebrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Day with Baby Signs®: Empowering Communication and Connection


Welcome to our blog, where we celebrate Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Day on March 8th, highlighting the synergy between SEL principles and the empowering communication tools provided by the Baby Signs® Program. SEL Day emphasizes the importance of fostering social-emotional skills in individuals of all ages, aligning perfectly with the mission of the Baby Signs® Program…

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Unlocking Communication and Early Literacy: Baby Signs® Classes at Your Local Library

book DiaperDoodle

Parenthood is an incredible journey filled with precious moments and milestones. One of the most eagerly awaited milestones for parents is when their baby starts communicating. While verbal communication typically takes time to develop, there’s a fascinating method that can bridge the communication gap between parents and their little ones – Baby Signs®. And guess…

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Why Children’s Fears Increase in the 2nd Year

Mom and daughter afraid or sad

by Dr. Linda Acredolo, co-founder the Baby Signs® Program Although signing with babies is my passion, I also enjoy sharing other insights about development. Here’s an example from Baby Hearts, my book co-authored with Dr. Susan Goodwyn. Along with cake and ice cream, a child’s first birthday brings with it a not so nice gift – a significant…

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Helping Toddlers at a “Loss for Words”: The Baby Signs® Program and Social Development

A baby in a pink shirt is sitting on the floor, engaging in social play.

By Linda Acredolo, Ph.D. and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D. Co-founders, The Baby Signs® Program Every parent wants his or her child to enjoy other people and to be well-liked. In Developmental Psychology, we include both these goals under the term “social development.” Although most parents are aware that innate differences in temperament contribute importantly to individual…

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