Empowering the Antelope Valley Community: Highlights from the Baby Signs® 2-Day Instructor Certification Training

Best Start ICI Training

Last week’s Baby Signs® 2-Day Instructor Certification Training, proudly sponsored by Best Start Antelope Valley, brought together a diverse group of 45 passionate professionals from the childcare, doula, speech-language pathology (SLP), lactation consulting, and early intervention fields. Held in Palmdale, CA, this transformative event equipped attendees with the training and resources needed to revolutionize early…

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My Unforgettable Mother’s Day Gift

Elizabeth Sprague

“Joshua, my third baby boy and third signer gave me such a special Mother’s Day gift last year. A little over a year old and he was signing up a storm. He would use the sign for “Daddy” for any close family member, Mommy included. No matter how hard I tried he refused to sign…

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Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week

As National Teacher Appreciation Week approaches, it’s time to reflect on the incredible impact educators have on our lives, especially when it comes to our little ones. At the Baby Signs® Program, we recognize the vital role teachers play in nurturing and guiding children’s development. From the first signs of communication to the moments of…

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Early Childhood Educator Training with Best Start

Best Start Training Palmdale, CA

In the heart of Antelope Valley, childcare providers embarked on an immersive learning experience at the Baby Signs® Early Childhood Educator Training. Held at the Children’s Bureau of Southern California and generously sponsored by Best Start Antelope Valley, this three-hour workshop was a catalyst for interactive learning and engagement. Dedication filled the room as childcare…

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Say Good-bye to Diapers in Honor of Earth Day!

Aria By Toilet

By: Linda Acredolo, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, UC Davis and Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program Earth Day is a good time for all of us to reflect on what we can do on an individual basis to promote the health of our environment so that our children will inherit a verdant, health-inducing world rather than one increasingly…

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Celebrating National Siblings Day with the Baby Signs® Program

A mother and her young son smiling at a newborn baby, exhibiting early signs of communication development, sleeping under a white blanket.

Strengthening Bonds Through Communication Every April 10th, National Siblings Day offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the unique bond shared between siblings. It’s a day to cherish the moments of laughter, support, and shared experiences that make sibling relationships so special. As we commemorate this day, let’s explore how incorporating the Baby Signs® Program  into…

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Helping Toddlers at a “Loss for Words”: The Baby Signs® Program and Social Development

A girl in a pink dress demonstrating social emotional development.

by Linda Acredolo, Ph.D. and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D., Co-founders, the Baby Signs® Program Every parent wants his or her child to enjoy other people and to be well-liked. In Developmental Psychology, we include both these goals under the term “social development.” Although most parents are aware that innate differences in temperament contribute importantly to individual…

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Baby Sign Language and Learning to Talk

Toddler girl with brown hair smiling, hands on cheeks demonstrating baby sign language, pink hair clip, on white background.

By far the most frequently voiced concern about encouraging babies to use signs to communicate before they can talk is that doing so will slow down verbal development. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Baby sign language actually speeds up the process. How do we know? With a grant from the federal government, Dr. Susan Goodwyn and…

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From Signs to Speech—Inevitable!

A joyful woman aiding language development by interacting with a baby in a crib in a brightly colored nursery.

By Linda Acredolo, Ph.d October 2012 Despite our federally-funded research, evidence showing that signing babies actually learn to talk sooner, some parents still worry that their babies will be too content with signing to do the work of learning to talk. Below are four reasons why children are, in fact, eager to make the transition:…

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Sabla D’Oliveira: International Partner for Baby Signs Portugal®

Sabla D'Oliveira with Beebo

Sabla D’Oliveira’s journey with the Baby Signs® Program is a testament to the program’s profound impact on both babies and families. As the International Partner for Baby Signs® Portugal, her passion shines through her story: From Curiosity to Calling: Since she was a little girl, she’s always held a fascination for the world of infants…

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Fostering Emotional Development

Squiggles With Dog

Lessons in Kindness from Rover and Kitty By: Linda Acredolo, Ph.D One of the most important values that parents pass on to their children is empathy—that is, the ability to recognize what other people are feeling AND the willingness to take action to help them feel better—and in general to be kind and helpful to…

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Celebrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Day with Baby Signs®: Empowering Communication and Connection


Welcome to our blog, where we celebrate Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Day on March 8th, highlighting the synergy between SEL principles and the empowering communication tools provided by the Baby Signs® Program. SEL Day emphasizes the importance of fostering social-emotional skills in individuals of all ages, aligning perfectly with the mission of the Baby Signs® Program…

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