Empowering Nannies with the Baby Signs® Program

Nannies are more than just caregivers—they’re partners in a child’s development, providing nurturing environments that foster growth, learning, and communication. For nannies looking to strengthen the bond with the little ones they care for, the Baby Signs® Program is a powerful tool to add to their toolkit. By introducing simple, effective sign language techniques, nannies can enhance their communication with babies and toddlers, reducing frustration and building trust.
Why the Baby Signs® Program?
Babies naturally want to communicate long before they can speak. The Baby Signs® Program, developed by child development experts Drs. Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn, allows babies as young as six months to express their needs and feelings using simple signs. This early communication helps reduce tantrums, foster emotional intelligence, and create a deeper connection between the nanny and the child.
Benefits of Baby Signs® for Nannies
Enhanced Communication: Understanding a baby’s needs is essential for providing quality care. With Baby Signs®, nannies can easily understand when a child is hungry, tired, or in need of comfort, leading to a more responsive caregiving experience.

Reduced Frustration: Babies often cry or become fussy when they can’t communicate their needs. By using signs, nannies can help babies express themselves clearly, reducing the guesswork and frustration for both the caregiver and the child.
Strengthened Bond: The process of teaching and using signs creates a shared language that strengthens the bond between nanny and child. This unique connection is one of trust and understanding, which is crucial in early childhood development.
Support for Development: The Baby Signs® Program supports cognitive, social, and emotional development by encouraging babies to express themselves and engage with the world around them in meaningful ways.
Easy to Learn, Fun to Use
The Baby Signs® Program is designed to be easy for anyone to learn, including nannies who may be juggling multiple responsibilities. The program offers a variety of resources, such as books, music, videos, and classes that make learning simple and engaging.
Nannies can incorporate signs into everyday routines, such as mealtime, playtime, and bedtime, making the learning process seamless and fun. Over time, these signs become a natural part of communication, opening up a world of interaction between the nanny and the child.
Success Stories from Nannies
Nannies who have used the Baby Signs® Program often share heartwarming stories of how it transformed their caregiving experience. From easing the transition to a new nanny to creating special moments of understanding, the program has proven to be a valuable asset in many households.
One nanny shared, “I started using Baby Signs® with the 9-month-old I care for, and within a few weeks, she was signing ‘milk‘ and ‘more.’ It’s been amazing to see her light up when she realizes I understand her needs!”
Free Webinar for Nannies
We’re excited to offer a free webinar exclusively for nannies on Saturday, September 7th, at 11am Pacific. This informative session will provide an overview of the Baby Signs® Program, offer tips for incorporating signs into your daily routine, and answer any questions you might have.
Pre-registration is required, so be sure to sign up early to secure your spot! This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the program and connect with other nannies who are passionate about providing the best care for their little ones. Reserve your spot here:
How to Get Started

If you’re a nanny looking to enhance your caregiving skills, the Baby Signs® Program is a great place to start. We offer a range of resources tailored to different learning styles and needs.
You can explore our workshops, order our educational materials, or find a class near you to get hands-on training. Whatever your approach, the Baby Signs® Program will empower you to provide the best care possible and create a nurturing, communicative environment for the little ones you look after.
Final Thoughts
The Baby Signs® Program is more than just a communication tool—it’s a bridge that connects nannies with the children they care for, fostering a deep, meaningful bond. By incorporating Baby Signs® into your caregiving routine, you’re not just teaching signs—you’re building a foundation of trust, understanding, and love.