Erin Schneider, Certified Baby Signs® Instructor in Southeastern Michigan

In the bustling world of early childhood development, few tools are as powerful as sign language when it comes to enhancing communication between caregivers and their little ones. Erin Schneider, a certified Baby Signs® Instructor hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Southeastern Michigan, has made it her mission to help parents, caregivers, and their children discover the magic of sign language through her business, Little Signs and Wonders. In this spotlight blog post, we delve into Erin’s inspiring journey and the wonderful work she does as a Baby Signs® instructor.
A Journey of Lifelong Passion
Erin’s story begins with a childhood fascination with sign language. At the young age of ten, she embarked on a journey to learn this beautiful form of communication. Her interest continued to grow throughout her academic journey, creating a strong foundation in sign language and its potential. Erin’s lifelong passion for sign language eventually led her to a fulfilling career as a Baby Signs® Instructor.
Motherhood as the Catalyst
Becoming a mother herself marked a pivotal moment in Erin’s journey. She discovered firsthand the remarkable benefits of using sign language with her own children. The experience opened her eyes to the incredible potential of sign language in fostering communication between parents and their children. But it was during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic that she decided to pivot her career towards something she was truly passionate about.
“As a foster parent, two of our kids came to us with avoidant behaviors, at ages 8 months and 16 months. They lacked eye contact and were slow to receive acceptance from us as their new caregivers. Through the use of sign language and over a few months’ time, we were able to see a remarkable difference in their behavior and attachment. The primary method I used to teach Baby Signs was by signing the words found on flashcards and in books that kept their interest, such as those about farm animals. I would do this during meal/snack times, as that is when we were directly sitting across from each other. Through consistent animated expressions and signs, they were able to learn and reciprocate the signs they were taught. They were so proud of themselves when they used a sign and got what they asked for, such as “more crackers.” It allowed so many opportunities to praise their efforts, which in turn, resulted in eye contact, confidence, and the ability to communicate their needs with fewer tantrums. It’s been a few years now and these days our primary use of sign language is when we are in situations that we need to provide assurance or direction, but are unable to hear each other, such as across the football field and between the glass window at dance or swim practice. A simple “I Love You” sign can go a long way!”

The Discovery of the Baby Signs® Program
Erin’s path led her to the discovery of the Baby Signs® Program, a renowned platform for teaching basic sign language to babies and toddlers. This program struck a chord with her, offering a structured approach to helping caregivers and their little ones communicate effectively. Erin was drawn to the idea of becoming a Baby Signs® instructor, eager to spread the advantages of sign language within both home and classroom settings, which ultimately led her to establish her business, Little Signs and Wonders.
A Solid Foundation in Social Work
Erin’s background in social work provides her with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding human relationships and communication. Her degree in social work complements her work as a Baby Signs® Instructor, allowing her to bridge the gap between early childhood development and the art of sign language.

The Rewarding Aspects of Erin’s Work
One of the most fulfilling aspects of Erin’s work is witnessing the transformation in parents who participate in her workshops. These parents discover a deeper understanding of their children’s needs and emotions, ultimately strengthening the parent-child bond. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively with their children has a profound impact on both parties.
Benefits Beyond Communication
According to Erin, the benefits of the Baby Signs® Program extend far beyond mere communication. Signing empowers children, teaching them that their thoughts and feelings matter to their caregivers. This newfound confidence and connection have a profound impact on the parent-child relationship.
Success Stories

Little Signs and Wonder’s classes are filled with success stories and heartwarming moments. In her Sign, Say and Play™ classes, parents enthusiastically share their children’s progress week after week. These stories reflect the joy and pride parents feel when their children seamlessly incorporate signs into their daily routines. It’s not just about teaching sign language; it’s about fostering lifelong communication skills and enhancing parent-child relationships.
Erin’s Advice to Parents and Professionals
Erin offers a simple piece of advice to parents and professionals interested in teaching their babies to sign: it’s never too late to start. Whether you’re introducing basic communication to your infant or expanding your older child’s skill set, signing brings nothing but benefits to both child and caregiver. It’s an interactive way to boost confidence, strengthen connections, and develop essential skills in a child’s life.
If you’re located in Southeastern Michigan and are interested in discovering the wonders of Baby Signs®, you can contact Erin at [email protected]. You can also follow her journey on social media through the Little Signs and Wonders social media pages, where you can stay updated on her classes, success stories, and helpful tips on incorporating sign language into your family’s daily life.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlesignsandwonders
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littlesignsandwonders/
Erin Schneider is more than a Baby Signs® Instructor; she’s a guide on a journey to unlock the wonders of communication and connection with your little ones. Her passion and dedication are evident in the lives she touches, one sign at a time.
Visit https://BabySigns.com/teach to learn more about the Baby Signs® Instructor Program or email [email protected].