
signs to help with disaster

Helping Children Cope with Disaster and Crisis

January 8, 2024

Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.Co-founder, the Baby Signs® Program  It seems whenever one turns on the TV these days there’s news of another disaster, whether hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, terrorist attacks, war or personal crises. Given how sensitive children are to the emotional…

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Teach Baby Signs Classes IG Ad (1)

Making a Difference in the Lives of Babies: The Path to Becoming a Certified Baby Signs® Instructor

January 2, 2024

In a world where communication is key, helping babies express themselves before they can speak has become a revolutionary concept. Enter the realm of Baby Signs®, a program designed to empower infants with the ability to communicate through simple signs…

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boy on potty

New Year’s Resolution: Potty Time!

December 27, 2023

The new year is closing in on us and, if you’re like me, your mind is gravitating toward “New Year’s Resolutions.” (It’s a given that two of mine will be to exercise more and eat less—and this year I mean…

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baby in pink with hat and scarf

Sign and Rhyme for Winter

December 12, 2023

Children of all ages love songs and rhymes that include “finger play.” Why else would “Itsy Bitsy Spider” have maintained its popularity for generation after generation of children? The nice thing is that finger play rhymes have the added advantage…

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Seasons Greetings

Bringing Joy to the Holidays with Baby Signs® A Festive Guide to Communication

December 12, 2023

The holiday season is a magical time filled with twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the joy of spending time with loved ones. As parents, we often seek unique ways to make these moments even more special for our little ones.…

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scared of santa

Stranger Anxiety: A Holiday Hazard

December 6, 2023

Some of my most enduring memories of Christmas with my own children were the annual visits with Santa. Born in the fall and still babes-in-arms by Christmas, their first experiences with Santa were uneventful. Things had changed dramatically, however, by…

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“Signs” of the Holidays!

December 4, 2023

What the holidays mean for many of us is the opportunity to get together with family and friends to reminisce about times past and to make good memories for the future. In many families these celebrations are made even sweeter…

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sick baby

How The Baby Signs® Program Can Help Your Little One Through Cold and Flu Season

November 21, 2023

As the days grow colder and the nights get longer, so does the prevalence of those unwelcome winter visitors – colds and flu. While these illnesses can be frustrating for anyone, they can be particularly challenging for our youngest and…

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Thanksgiving meal

Enhancing Mealtime Joy: The Magic of Baby Signs® During Holidays

November 14, 2023

Harmonizing Holidays: Baby Signs® for Joyful Mealtime Communication Mealtime with little ones can be a delightful yet challenging experience, especially during holidays when families gather to celebrate. As parents, we constantly seek ways to make these moments more enjoyable and…

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Communicate, Connect, Thrive: Maricar’s Journey as a Baby Signs® Instructor and Postpartum Doula

November 10, 2023

Meet Maricar, a passionate and dedicated Baby Signs® certified instructor from Along Came A Doula LLC. Born in San Francisco, she later moved to San Diego and eventually found herself in Northern Virginia, where she currently resides. Maricar’s journey into…

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Baby Signs Mexico

Maria Bornacini’s Baby Signs® Journey in Mexico

November 8, 2023

Empowering Communication and Bonding Communication is a fundamental aspect of human connection, and for infants, it’s their window to the world. Enter Baby Signs®, a program that has been transforming the way babies and their caregivers communicate. In Mexico, Maria…

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Scientific Research

The Baby Signs® Program: A Movement Built on a Solid Foundation

October 27, 2023

Linda Acredolo, Ph.D. ,Professor Emeritus, UC Davis Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, CSU Stanislaus Why Sign Language for Babies? There’s nothing more heart-wrenching than hearing a baby cry and not knowing why. The problem for babies is with the painstakingly…

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Mom and baby with book

The Power of Sign Language for Adopted Children

October 26, 2023

Adoption is a profound and beautiful way of creating families, and it comes with its unique set of challenges. Children who are adopted may have experienced trauma or disrupted early attachments, which can impact their ability to communicate effectively. One…

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Erin Schneider with Beebo

Erin Schneider, Certified Baby Signs® Instructor in Southeastern Michigan

October 25, 2023

In the bustling world of early childhood development, few tools are as powerful as sign language when it comes to enhancing communication between caregivers and their little ones. Erin Schneider, a certified Baby Signs® Instructor hailing from the picturesque landscapes…

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book DiaperDoodle

Unlocking Communication and Early Literacy: Baby Signs® Classes at Your Local Library

October 16, 2023

Parenthood is an incredible journey filled with precious moments and milestones. One of the most eagerly awaited milestones for parents is when their baby starts communicating. While verbal communication typically takes time to develop, there’s a fascinating method that can…

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